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Rachel & Queena

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting an amazing woman known to the public as the Bloomingdale Library Attack Survivor. To me (and now you) she is Queena. I have become very close to the family and seen her come a long way over the last few years on her road to recovery. 
The story of how we met is much different than many of the others you will hear.  In March of 2008, just one month before Queena’s life was forever changed, I had a massive stroke.  The doctors did not have much hope for me, preparing my mom for the worst on my first night in the hospital and giving me just a 1% chance of surviving. However, God had other plans for me in the weeks, months and years to come! 
After reading the news article “A squeeze of the hand means yes,” I knew I had to contact the family.  When reading the article I felt as if it were written about me. The article referenced Queena’s MySpace page (we all remember MySpace!) and it was exactly the way that my page had been laid out. Short sentences, all lower case, to the point, and all about me!
Queena’s page said:
            i live where it’s always sunny.
            im a senior at east bay.
            my favorite color is pink.
            i can never make up my mind.
            im usually a cup half full type of person.
            i probably trip or fall down at least once a day.
            i like to sing in the shower and in the car when no one is listening.
            i’ll admit to being a huge dork sometimes.
            i have many blonde moments.
            everything happens for a reason.
Like Queena, I live where it’s always sunny and I love Florida, my favorite color is PINK, everyone will tell you that I’m the most indecisive person they’ve ever met, I too fall down constantly (even  before the stroke left me with a bum foot) and I am a firm believer in that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.
Even with my own circumstances, I think I had a stroke to make me into the person I am today. To make me more compassionate, more understanding, and more open hearted. God brought Queena’s article to me and helped me meet her and her amazing family. In the beginning, I hoped to bring comfort and inspiration to them but in the end I was the one that was moved and inspired by their unwavering faith and courage.
I believe that God has a bigger plan for Queena.  It might not be the road that she saw herself travelling but it’s the road that He chose for her. She has already brought so much joy, hope and inspiration to those who see her, meet her or just hear her story. Her smile lights up the room and the strides that she has made in therapy are nothing short of a miracle.
I pray for her continued recovery and that God will utilize me to share her story to those it will help on this rocky road we call life, bringing inspiration to survive and persevere!
I love you, Q!  Keep moving forward!
♥ Rachel B.