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Benefit Flyer for your friend

Hello, my name is Ruth Brady and my husband is Jim Brady. I just read the article tonight about your friend having to go home. It just broke our hearts when this all started. So to tell you what we are doing, you have to look at the flyer first. If you can’t open the attachment, let me know. 
Any way, my husband is a retired entertainer and we have put together a benefit concert for your friend. We contacted our friends as you can see by the flyer and they have all volunteered their time to do this for this precious life that has been put in jeopardy. As you can see we have called it “Tears For a Flower”. We live in St. Petersburg across the water from you, but we have been working with the Riverview Chamber of Commerce. They have donated the location, had tickets printed, provided a bandstand for the performers and so on. It will be a great afternoon for everyone and we hope to raise a lot of money. Th flyer has gone out to the TV Stations, Radio Stations and anyone else I could think of over here. The Chamber has done the same. They have contacted the schools and the Riverview Chorus or part of it, is also going to do a surprise performance for us. The people who are on the flyer are all professionals, and this was the only date that they all had open. The Tampa Tribune contacted my husband and are going to do some kind of article as well as the St. Pete Times. He has been interviewed a couple of times by radio stations. An “on the air” type interview. 
But I am writing to you so you will know what is going on and hope you can pass the word out to your friends as well. We are both 73 years old. My husband is partially disabled and I still have to work, but that has not stopped us. We are trying our best to have a large turn out for this event. It is something different from things that have been done. It is outside from noon to 6:00 p.m. since some of the performers are working that night. Tickets are available at the gate 
If you have any questions, please call my husband at 727-822-0164. I have put my work e-mail above, since I won’t be on this computer until tomorrow night. You can send me a message there if you like. 
Just give your friend a hug and kiss from us and tell her mother and her that she is not and won’t be forgotten. 
Sincerely, Ruth 

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