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Fundraiser for Queena – Fashionollia 64 Sponsor Letter

Dear friends,
The Tampa Woman’s Club has chosen Queena as the recipient of its largest fundraiser of the year– Fashionollia 64. The club has hosted a fashion show each year for the past 63 years to raise funds for worthy Tampa causes. The funds raised from this year’s fundraiser will go towards Queena’s medical and therapy expenses. Would you consider being a sponsor, advertiser, or attendee?
Attached is the Tampa Woman’s Club’s letter of introduction and the sponsor/advertising response form.
Additionally, tickets for the event will be on sale for $60.00 each.
Fashionollia 64 will be held at the Renaissance Hotel at International Plaza on April 14, 2012. There will be a runway fashion show, boutique shopping, socializing, silent auction, and lunch.
Please contact Linda Reece, sponsorship chairperson, at 813-839-7457 (main line) or 407-461-0113 (cell) for more information.
Thank you for your continued support for Queena and our family! We are blessed to have each one of you in our lives.
Vanna, Anna, Queena

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