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The Power of Music!

Queena has made remarkable progress over the past few months.  Through the use of music related tasks, we are working on fine motor functioning, speech sounds, visual tracking, and the communication of wants and needs.  Her greatest area of improvement is evident in her attempts to make sounds that are presented within the session.  She is able to make basic vowel sounds when cued at various points within a given task.  She is becoming more consistent each week.  She is also improving in her ability to visually track brightly colored objects, such as small percussion instruments.  Finally, she seems more aware of her environment and is able to show musical preference through facial expression.

She is a easy to work with and has a pleasant affect and wonderful sense of humor.  We are also writing a “rap” song together that will hopefully be recorded in the near future.

Jennifer Miller, MT-BC, MME, NMT
Music Sweet Music Inc.

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